Underneath my L'Oreal...
"For more than a century, we have devoted our energy and our competencies solely to one business: beauty. It is a business rich in meaning, as it enables all individuals to express their personalities, gain self-confidence and open up to others. Beauty is a language." www.loreal.com I won't deny this, I love make up. I can sit in front of the different shades of red lipstick for hours, never mind choosing the right shade of eye shadow for the dress I'm wearing to a special event. I'm not sure where this love came from as my mom hates makes up, like HATES IT and I simply can't live without it. If you are anything like me- you get it. It just makes you feel good . If you aren't anything like me-you don't get it, why add extra? I'm not saying that the Alicia Keys way is wrong, I'm saying why do we always have to label a RIGHT or WRONG. Can't we just let everyone be who they are? If you want to go natural, do it, be proud of you,...