We woke up super early today and headed over to the HOPE CENTER. Momma was worried that they wouldn't let Charlie kick it with me while I got my second round of treatment but they let him stay wohoo!
She dropped us off at 8:15 am. Momma talked to Tessa about our visit with our holistic vet and their recommendations of how/when to start my supplements. They also took my weight.... I now weigh 18.3 (up .3 oz) I guess, all the chicken I'm eating is going straight to my thighs! I was so hungry though because they don't want me to eat before my blood work is done. So, momma packed Charlie and I lunch --- Grass Fed Chicken with organic beets.
This is pretty much the flow of my appointments from now on: drop off ----> blood work ----->eat ----->wait for results ---->decide on treatment -------->treatment ------->observation ---->play with Tessa (my awesome nurse) and Charlie ---->go home with momma and poppa.
After my blood work results came in, Tessa called momma to tell her that my WBC's were low - not dangerously low but low enough that Dr. Beck chose to switch my round of treatment. I was supposed to get Cytoxan but one of the side effects of cytoxan is: lowers WBC's. So, Dr. Beck didn't want to take a chance that Cytoxan would lower my WBC's even more so she chose to switch this week's treatment to ELSPAR. ELSPAR is known to have little side effect but if you do have them it would be vomiting, nausea and an allergic reaction. They gave me benadryl before ELSPAR which prevented an allergic reaction. Momma was happy that Dr. Beck and Tessa were taking this precaution but a little worried about my WBC's. Tessa ensured her that it was nothing to worry about :)
I got my ELSPAR and hung out with Charlie Pants. Mom came to pick us up at 2:00. They sent her home with a set of instructions of when to start my supplements... calcium, b12, fish oil, etc. They also told her that while my lymphs nodes are still there, they are much much smaller than last week. So, treatment is working. We immediately went to see poppa at the restaurant to tell him the good news. He was so happy to see us. I came home and took a nap with Charlie Pants (benadril makes me sleepy).
Wednesday - no side effects, yay! I've been hanging out with Charlie and my sister all day. She is so cute - but man does she have frogs in her pants. She keeps smiling at us, she loves us!
Life is Good!
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