Charlie's Bday!

Happy Birthday Charlie Pants

Yes, I complain about sharing my toys, treats, parents etc.... but it's really great to have a brother like Charlie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER AND PARTNER IN CRIME. Momma and Poppa have decided to close the restaurant every Monday and spend QT with the family - today was the first QT Monday and it so happened to be Charlie Pants 3rd birthday.

Poppa decided to take us to Middleburg for the day. It was really cold and rainy today but nothing awas going to stop us from making it a super special day. We had a gourmet breakfast, grass fed free range chicken and squash. After breakfast we got Charlotte ready - she's such a girl already. We had to wait for her to get the right outfit and for her to comb her hair. Not sure, why she did it b/c she wore a hat so nobody could see her hair. Oh well!

We took off and drove to Middleburg. What a peaceful drive and what a great town. We walked around town for a bit and found the best little puppy store ever. We went in and a nice lady gave us special treats... (momma told her about my lymphs and the lady found the right treat for me). This store was awesome. We even got a chance to pick up a toy.. it's a squirrel. We walked around town some more and then took a nap. Perfect day in my book.

Tomorrow we go to see Dr. Beck for my second treatment - Wish me luck!d


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