Clean up isle #5

Clean up isle #5

We had a great week. Monday morning momma walked us and I didn't feel so good but was hyper as I could be. Momma and Poppa took my sister Charlotte to her doctor to get her 2 months vaccines. Charlie and I tried to come up with a lie so that she didn't have to go but we forgot how to speak HUMAN so she ended up going to her doc. Momma says that she got 3 shots - OUCH! She also has been gasping for air and we needed to tell the doc. (more info about this on the next blog) After going to the doctor, Charlotte went to hang out with grandma.

We hung out at home for a bit and waited for poppa to get home. I hung out with poppa for a bit during lunch time and I was feeling fine. Fast forward 5 hours - my tummy felt funny, really funny. Breakfast pretty much came back up in all sort of ways. Momma came home and was in a frenzy. She doesn't like it when I don't feel well. She cooked me up some yummy chicken, gave me my medicine, we went for a long walk and then I was back to normal. Chasing Charlie pants around the house. I haven't felt sick since but we have to let Tessa and Dr. Beck know so they can change my treatment so I don't get sick again. Tessa and Dr. Beck take great care of me... I'm a lucky puppy.

I go in for treatment tomorrow - wish me luck!


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